New solutions to reduce our environmental impact

Our Claim: “Unlocking Science for a Sustainable Future”

At NEMARA, we are very committed to the environment and therefore consider the entire life cycle of our products in our commitment to sustainability, from raw materials, manufacturing and the supply chain to impacts during use, all the way to the end of the product’s life.

Sustainability through innovation

We create solutions and products that enable our customers to reduce energy consumption, increase recyclability and minimize food waste. We also actively seek out how to make our own production processes more efficient and sustainable. 



Compromiso global nueva economía del plástico: empresas y gobiernos estamos comprometidos a cambiar la forma en que producimos, usamos y reutilizamos los plásticos y desde NEMARA estamos orgullosos de ser parte de este compromiso.


Para 2030, NEMARA permitirá que el 100 % de sus productos se entreguen con empaques totalmente reciclables, reutilizables o compostables para avanzar en la economía circular.


Hoy usamos xxxx% de materiales reciclados en nuestras formulaciones. Nuestro objetivo es aumentar este porcentaje al xx% en 5 años.


De cara al ejercicio 2023, estamos trabajando en la adecuación de nuestras instalaciones para reducir el impacto ambiental de nuestros procesos. Para ello, estamos trabajando en la gestión eléctrica mediante la instalación de paneles solares para reducir el consumo eléctrico.


By 2030, NEMARA will enable 100% of its products to be delivered with fully recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging to advance the circular economy.


At NEMARA, we are specialized in research and development (R&D) with the most advanced technological capabilities to characterize, specify and develop colorants, additives and compounds, as well as to reprocess plastic waste. We work to stay at the forefront of the industry by offering high-quality and competitive solutions for various products, sectors and applications, as requested by our customers. Today, we use more and more recycled materials in our formulas, and our goal is to eventually use only recycled materials in future projects.


Looking ahead to the 2023 fiscal year, we are working to adapt our facilities to reduce the environmental impact of our processes. To this end, we are working on electricity management by installing solar panels to reduce electricity consumption.

Contact us and our R&D department will study your needs: