NEMARA: passionately serving our clients since 1991​

NEMARA is the evolution of NTC, a company that was born in 1991 providing customized solutions for different application sectors in the polymers industry.
In constant evolution and after more than 30 years of experience we have created a new brand identity with the aim of continuing to grow and respond to the needs of the market, positioning us for the future with the adoption of the latest technologies.
NEMARA’s mission is to offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers. We are experts in the development of innovative solutions in the following fields: colorants, high performance additives and compounds.


Our clients are the center of what we do. It is not enough to develop and offer top quality solutions in an agile and timely manner. At NEMARA we work side by side with our customers, creating specialized and sustainable material solutions that transform customer challenges into opportunities, bringing new products to life for a better world.


We work closely with clients to solve their challenges and deliver exceptional value. We safely and responsibly deliver superior quality to every customer, every time, meeting customer needs reliably and responsively wherever they operate.


Our innovative capacity in materials sets us apart by offering specialized solutions to our customers.


Through our professional values, we combine decision-making without compromising our structure or that of the client. Professionalism means taking responsibility for your actions, words and thoughts, and never jeopardizing your moral compass.


We have our own logistics managers and we train our employees in the handling of chemical products and dangerous goods, we supervise the transport operation and guarantee compliance with national and international directives on chemical products, so that we can certify the safety and the quality of our deliveries in the shortest possible time. Our goal is to adapt to the speed of the market.


With sustainability at the core of the future we see on the horizon, we are reinforcing our strong strategic foundation with sustainability pillars that guide our corporate responsibility and customer-focused innovation as we embark on our journey into the future. . These pillars are: People, Products, Planet and Performance.


Colaboramos estrechamente con los clientes para resolver sus retos y ofrecerles un valor excepcional. Entregamos de forma segura y responsable una calidad superior a cada cliente, en todo momento, satisfacemos las necesidades de los clientes de forma fiable y con capacidad de respuesta dondequiera que operen.


Nuestra capacidad innovadora en materiales nos diferencia al ofrecer soluciones especializadas a nuestros clientes.


A través de nuestros valores profesionales, combinamos la toma de decisiones sin comprometer nuestra estructura ni la del cliente. La profesionalidad implica responsabilizarse de los actos, las palabras y los pensamientos, y no poner nunca en peligro la brújula moral.


Contamos con nuestros propios responsables de logística y , formamos a nuestros empleados en la manipulación de productos químicos y mercancías peligrosas, supervisamos la operación de transporte y garantizamos el cumplimiento de las directivas nacionales e internacionales sobre productos químicos, de manera que podemos acreditar la seguridad y la calidad de nuestras entregas en el menor tiempo posible. Nuestro objetivo, adaptarnos a la velocidad del mercado.


Dado que la sostenibilidad es un elemento esencial para el futuro que vemos en el horizonte, reforzamos nuestra sólida base estratégica con pilares de sostenibilidad que sirven de guía para nuestra responsabilidad corporativa y nuestra innovación centrada en el cliente a medida que iniciamos nuestro camino hacia el futuro. Estos pilares son: Personas, Productos, Planeta y Rendimiento.